
At INGROINFO, we believe in enabling our employees to fully leverage their ideas and give free rein to their entrepreneurial capabilities. We call these idea entrepreneurs ideapreneurship. INGROINFO thrives on this 'ideapreneurial' spirit that is fuelled by the Employees First leadership model. Our unconventional management model puts every INGROINFOlite in a unique position and gives them the license to ideate, create, and execute ideas—whether they be big or small—that add value to the work we do for internal and external customers, both. It also gives them a sense of satisfaction, we are still a start-up at heart.

We are looking for people who possess the same start-up gene; people who can lead with ideas. If you think you have it in you, come aboard one of the growing ideapreneurships.

Now is the best time to start up.

INGROINFO becoming one of the fastest-growing companies. INGROINFO, we call this movement Employees First -- and we believe that it is the only path to strong, sustainable growth in these turbulent times.
